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Our Story

From the early 1990's through 2017 Raj Searing worked for a major Wall Street firm.  His Firm sent out a "Morning Note" from NY that quickly brought his U.S. customers up to date with what happened overnight in World Markets. In 2003, his firm expanded the note into a comprehensive publication including just about all stories and research from around the world. His customers complained. They told Raj, "We don't want a 20 page BOOK! We want the 'highlights' that we can read in 2 minutes". The Firm refused the request.  So, Raj began writing his own short, slightly twisted, view of overnight events and sending it out along with the Firm's "Official Morning News".  Raj simply sent one email that said, "Read this First" and then the "Full Overnight Report".  After a few weeks most customers asked him, "forget that long one.  Just sent us 'Read this First' one". Soon, Raj started getting requests from friends and relatives of his customers.  Today, thousands of readers start their day with the "Read this First" Rant in their inbox and head out into the world informed and entertained.


So, Go Ahead and Click the "Subscribe" button and get on board...  Or, just live the rest of your life misinformed ... without any joy or happiness!!!

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